
Thousands of Afghans signing up to join security forces

By Najibullah

Afghan soldiers July 24, 2016, in Helmand Province march after graduating with their fellow Kandak recruits. The graduates joined the 5th and 6th Kandaks formed in the province. [CENTCOM]

Afghan soldiers July 24, 2016, in Helmand Province march after graduating with their fellow Kandak recruits. The graduates joined the 5th and 6th Kandaks formed in the province. [CENTCOM]

KABUL -- Thousands of Afghan youths are signing up to join the Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP), according to officials at the Defense and Interior ministries.

"There are a total of 40 ANA recruiting centres across the country: three in Kabul Province; two centres each in Nangarhar, Kunduz and Balkh provinces; and one centre each in [the remaining 30] provinces," Ghafoor Ahmad Jawid, a spokesman for the Defence Ministry, told Salaam Times.

"The recruitment process is normal and moving well," he said, adding that the ANA regularly exceeds its recruitment goals.

"These ANA recruitment centres recruit more than 6,000 individuals every month," Jawid said.

An Afghan National Army weapons instructor talks to commando recruits July 30 in Kabul about the principles of firing a grenade launcher. [CENTCOM]

An Afghan National Army weapons instructor talks to commando recruits July 30 in Kabul about the principles of firing a grenade launcher. [CENTCOM]

The ANA recruitment personnel at the Defence Ministry often encourage youth to join the army through social media pages and through meetings with tribal elders, mosque prayer leaders, members of civil society and parliamentary representatives.

ANP recruitment centres are also receiving large numbers of men and women in Kabul and other provinces who want to join the police force, said Nasrat Rahimi, a deputy spokesman at the Interior Ministry.

"The desire of our youth to join the Afghan National Police is so high that we do not even need to publish any recruiting announcements," he told Salaam Times.

"We now have 20,000 new troops ready who have completed the first phase of registration and are ready to begin working alongside our security forces," he said.

"These 20,000 individuals are ready and will start working as soon as there are vacancies within the ranks of security forces," he said.

Although Afghan forces suffer from attrition, the increasing rate of recruitment reportedly is enough to keep the total number of forces in the country growing at a sustainable level.

Ready to serve Afghanistan

"Our people love their homeland and want to serve their country as members of security forces, and that's a fact," Gen. (ret.) Atiqullah Amarkhil, a Kabul-based military analyst, told Salaam Times.

Gul Mohammad, 26, a resident of Maidan Wardak Province, recently came to Kabul to join the ANA ranks.

"I want to join the ANA to serve my homeland and my people," he told Salaam Times.

"Ever since I was a child, I wanted to be a military man in order to serve, protect and defend my country," he said. "I am very happy that the ground is now ready."

Ghulam Sakhi, 27, who is originally from Bamiyan Province but lives with his family in Kabul, said he also decided to join the ANA.

"Afghanistan and our people need security," he told Salaam Times. "I want to join the [ANA] and serve my country in order to pay my dues to my people and my homeland."

"When you want to serve your people and your homeland earnestly and honestly, you have to sacrifice your life, and I'm ready to do just that," he said.

Conditions for recruitment

Afghans who want to join their security forces must meet certain requirements.

"[The recruit] must be a [citizen] of Afghanistan, have an Afghan identification card and maintain the necessary physical strength and must not have committed a crime," Rahimi said.

Those who are hired will receive training that lasts from six to nine months, he said.

One concern is the presence of enemy infiltrators among security forces, which has occurred in the past, according to Jawid, the Defence Ministry spokesman.

In order to prevent infiltration by such individuals, every ANA volunteer must provide two legal documents in which two different individuals guarantee the applicant's character and suitability for the job.

The documents undergo scrutiny by a recruitment investigation team, which includes representatives of the National Directorate of Security (NDS) and the Department of Intelligence and Investigation at the Defence Ministry.

Newly recruited individuals will then be transferred to the military training centre, where they complete training programmes and receive practical lessons.

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Assalamualaikum Can I also join afghan army? I am from Pakistan I want to serve Islam and your nation.


Hi.. I'm from Bangladesh. I want to join in afganistan amry & I wanna bring to new technology. that is nowhere in the world... even in the head of scientist


Can i join afghan army because i am Pakistani but i really want to join afghan army to serve there people...


Same but from Bangladesh


Same From India


I am an Afghan citizen living in Iran, and I would really love to join the national police, please help me if possible.


Salam, I want to serve my country within the ranks of National Army, please help me.


I want to serve for the national army of the country.


I would like to serve in the National Army of my country.


Salaam, my name is Musa, son of Mohammad Rahman. I would like to join the Commandos and serve my country so that my country becomes peaceful. I want you to help me in this regard. We don’t want to be in exile anymore. I want to return to my country in order to serve my compatriots. ……………………………………………… ……………………….. I would like to register my name…. ………………………………. ………………………………………………


Salaam, I am Azizullah Atayee and I live in Iran. I would very much like to join the Afghan army. And I also have to add this that I am only 22 years old.


My name is Nawid Hakimi and I am from Afghanistan, but I have grown up in Iran. My effort or decision in the future is clear. I would like to come to my homeland and help my beloved country Afghanistan so that my country gets rid of the hypocrite enemies and it becomes peaceful and prosperous, and its people live in peace, Inshallah.


Salaam, I am an Afghan youth living in Iran. I don’t have Tazkira (birthday certificate), but I would like to join the national army and devote my life to my country. Please help me how can I join the arm?


I am Abdullah Jafari and I live in Iran. I would like to join the national army. I have Tazkira (ID Card), but I don’t have guarantors. Can I join the army if I don’t have two guarantors?


I am Sara Karimi, living in Iran. I love to join the Afghanistan army in order to fight for my country. How can I join the army? I have to add this that I am just 19 years old.


Salaam, I live in Iran and I very much like to go. If you want to come with me, let’s go. I am 22 years old.


Salaam, do you want to go with me? I am going…


I am 18 years old. I did not finish 12th grade. Can I join Afghan Army with my birthday certificate and 12th grade diploma? And another thing is that I am studying in an arts' academy.


Salaam, I am hayatullah from logar province . I want to join NDS employee,and I love with my job for our country Afghanistan. Its proud for me to do something for our country and my people and gives sacrifice for our country Afghanistan. How we can join Afghan intelligence agency (NDS)or national directorate of security.


Salaam, I am Ramin Ferozi from Herat province. I want to be an NDS employee.


I am Mujtaba Alizadah. I live in Europe. How can I serve the security [national directorate of security] of my country?


My name is Hewad Ansari and I am from Kabul. I am very much interested in national security and I am a graduate of the faculty of economics. How can I join the job and serve my country?


I’m proud of being an Afghan.


Instead of sacrificing the youth of this country, the government should crackdown on the opposition.
