The murder of Mohammad Yousuf Rasheed continues the 'cacophony of senseless and endless violence' in recent days, top US official says.
Five people, including two female prison doctors, were killed in Kabul by a bomb attached to a car, and a journalist was assassinated in Ghazni.
President Ashraf Ghani condemned the bombing, blaming 'the enemies of Afghanistan'.
Malalai Maiwand had previously spoken out about the difficulties of being a female reporter in Afghanistan. She was the second Afghan journalist assassinated in less than one month.
The irony is that during al-Mawla's ascent to the top, he ordered countless executions for supposed disloyalty, while at the same time his own treachery devastated the group's ranks.
The reported deaths of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and deputy leader Abu Muhammad al-Masri raise questions about the group's future strategy and strength.
A report detailing the killing of al-Qaeda's second-in-command Abu Muhammad al-Masri also shed light on the regime's efforts to protect the terrorist leader in an upscale suburb of Tehran for years.
Survivors described how ISIS militants shot their classmates 'one by one', but said they will not be deterred from studying and working toward building a better Afghanistan.
With the nation in mourning, Afghan leaders say they are taking steps to address any intelligence failures and will retaliate against ISIS for killing innocent students.
While both groups specialise in deadly violence and terror as a means to territorial expansion, their ideologies differ so fundamentally that they are increasingly killing each other.