The bereaved Nangarhar grandmother is standing up against a terrorist group that killed three of her sons and three grandsons.
The group that has terrorised Afghans for the past few years is using children as human shields in Iraq as liberating forces finalise their campaign against the ISIS stronghold of Mosul.
Before retreating from areas of Helmand Province, the Taliban planted mines in civilians' houses, public places and mosques.
The two groups are killing each other over the ability to plunder long-suffering civilians.
Abdul Hasib was the second ISIS leader killed by Afghan and coalition forces in less than nine months.
Afghans who join the 'Islamic State of Iraq and Syria' (ISIS) face ostracisation, dishonour and most likely death at the hands of security forces.
The Taliban's actions, including murdering Muslims in mosques and destroying schools, run counter to Islam and to national interests.
The Hizb-e-Islami leader called on the Taliban to lay down their weapons and join the peace process.
Victims of Taliban bombings and mines recount the physical and psychological pain of losing their limbs.