Female leaders have used their roles to usher in new infrastructure projects as well as bolster job opportunities for their communities.
Young, educated women are making important contributions at the Herat Department of Urban Development and Land.
Women are collectively raising their voices to show they have not forgotten the oppression committed by the group during its time in power.
Roya Sadat fears a return to fundamentalism and the curbing of women's rights should the Taliban regain power.
While a sense of relief pervades following the historic agreement, some citizens wonder if the militant group will once again seek to impose its strict ideology on society.
More and more women are taking up government positions and working outside their homes, and they have vowed to never go back to where they were under the previous Taliban regime.
Susan Ehsan Behboodzadah is the mayor of Injil District in Herat Province, which is leading the way when it comes to women's involvement in civil service.
The peace talks are at a critical juncture and women's voices must be heard, women from Herat, Farah, Ghor and Badghis provinces said.
This is the third straight year that female Afghan army cadets are taking part in a military training programme in Chennai, India.
Awareness campaigns about women's rights have reduced incidents of gender-based violence and given women more access to government resources and law enforcement agencies.