Hundreds of women and young Afghans gathered in Herat city in the first of a series of gatherings across the country to demand their rights and ask for better living conditions.
A Syrian youth who joined the Iran-backed Afghan militia for promised payment, benefits and security says he found only broken promises and indoctrination.
'Such tournaments help football to grow ... and send the message of peace and unity among various ethnic groups,' the director of the Kunduz Physical Education and Sports Department said.
Matches provide thousands of residents the opportunity to have fun together for a few hours, away from economic woes and life challenges.
When the provincial orphanage closed nine months ago, about 60 orphans found themselves living with relatives who are financially unable to properly feed, clothe and educate them.
The new law offers a variety of protections for children under the age of 18.
The report documented more than 14,000 grave violations against children during the past four years, mainly perpetrated by the Taliban and ISIS.
ArtLords plans to share the contents of the letters -- which call for peace and an end to 'nonsense violence' -- with Afghan officials and the Taliban.
Students who have attended the centre's programmes have gone on to resolve disputes at the community and family levels.
Youth from seven southern provinces urged the Taliban at cricket tournament to accept peace and declare a nationwide ceasefire.